Contact Us

Contact Us

We Would Love to Hear from You

Our Customer Service team is eager to talk to you! Call us at (800) 833-1258 (select option 4) or email us anytime at

We can offer assistance in a number of areas, including:

Checking the status of an order: Please reference a web order number, purchase order number, or account number.

Media and sampling questions or requests: Special request chemicals, which badge or media to use for a chemical of interest (please include the chemical name and a CAS#, if possible), etc.

Sample or report status: Please reference your account number, badge ID number, or lab work order number.

Invoice questions: Please reference an invoice number, account number, or PO number.

Website bug reports: Feedback is much appreciated. Please mention what device you are using for any bug reports.

Contact Us

Phone: (800) 833-1258, option 4. We are here in person to answer your call from 5am-5pm PST, Monday-Friday.



Corporate Office, Industrial Hygiene Testing Lab, Manufacturing, and MN/AJE Lab & Instruments
Assay Technology
1382 Stealth Street
Livermore, CA 94551

Industrial Hygiene Testing Lab
AT Labs
250 DeBartolo Place
Suite 2525
Boardman, OH 44512


Note: If you are unsure of where to return your samples for analysis, please check the product’s lab request form or instructions sheet.