Associated Analytical Methods: modified OSHA 32
Our 596 Phenol TraceAir® II Fast Sampling Rate Monitor can be used for low PEL, STEL, and IAQ monitoring. The 596 badge is in our TraceAir® II format, which means it is our most sensitive badge with the lowest reporting limits.
Phenol used to be collected on the 525 badge. The 525 can still be used, but for the analysis to be fully prepaid, it has to be ordered as the 525-4AT. The 596 badge was mostly created to make billing easier.
Laboratories that will perform the analysis themselves can order items N525 and M525 for media without the analysis. The solvent used at AT Labs is 85% methanol and 15% carbon disulfide.
Use our Quick Order Form for the entire list of products online.
Store at room temperature before and after use. Refrigerated storage is always OK.
It is recommended that the badge be returned to the lab within 14 days of use.
Use for 8-hour PEL, 15-minute STEL, or Indoor Air Quality sampling.