Price Lists

Price Lists

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Price Lists - Badges With and Without Analysis, Active Media, Wipes, and IH Lab Services Pricing

Badges with Analysis Prepaid

All items in this table include standard analysis in the price. Download our price list for these items.

Product (A – Z) Media/Service Single Monitor (W) Box of 5 Monitors (X)
543: Acetic Acid Charcoal Media; IC analysis W543: $72 X543: $266
592: Acrolein SiO2 w/ 2-HMP; GC/FPD analysis W592: $89 X592: $328
571: Aldehydes

For Formaldehyde and other Aldehydes

GFF w/ DNPH; HPLC analysis W571: $64 X571: $250
581: Aldehydes TraceAir® II

Fast sampling rate for Glutaraldehyde, o-Phthalaldehyde, etc.

GFF w/ DNPH; HPLC analysis W581: $89 X581: $334
584: Ammonia GFF w/ H2SO4; IC analysis W584: $72 X584: $256
595: Ethyl 2-Cyanoacrylate Tenax; HPLC analysis W595: $89 X595: $316
555: Ethylene Oxide HBr Treated Charcoal; GC/ECD analysis W555: $64 X555: $227
574: Halogenated Anesthetic Gases Charcoal; GC/FID analysis W574: $64 X574: $250
549: HCFC Charcoal; GC/FID analysis N/A X549: $332
587: Hydrogen Peroxide SiO2 w/ Reagent; UV/VIS analysis W587: $82 X587: $287
593: Mercury Vapor Gold Film; CVAF analysis W593: $82 X593: $294
545: Methanol G-BAC; GC/FID analysis W545: $64 X545: $239
594: Nitrogen Dioxide GFF w/ TEA; IC analysis W594: $72 X594: $280
575: Nitrous Oxide Molecular Sieve; GC/ECD analysis W575: $64 X575: $250
585: Organic Amines GFF w/ NIT; HPLC analysis W585: $89 X585: $331
525: Organic Vapors

Fast sampling rate (TraceAir® II) for low PEL, STEL, and IAQ monitoring.

Charcoal; GC/FID analysis or HPLC analysis W525-25: $153

Organic Solvent Panel, 25 Analytes

X525-25: $517

Organic Solvent Panel, 25 Analytes

W525-4: $110

Analysis of up to 4 organic vapors per monitor

X525-4: $367

Analysis of up to 4 organic vapors per monitor

W525-1: $64

Analysis of 1 organic vapor per monitor

X525-1: $239

Analysis of 1 organic vapor per monitor

566: Organic Vapors

Our most popular and versatile OV badge.

Charcoal; GC/FID analysis W566-4: $102

Analysis of up to 4 organic vapors per monitor

X566-4: $334

Analysis of up to 4 organic vapors per monitor

W566-1: $58

Analysis of 1 organic vapor per monitor

X566-1: $224

Analysis of 1 organic vapor per monitor

546: Organic Vapors

High capacity organic vapor badge for high PEL monitoring.

Charcoal; GC/FID analysis W546-4: $102

Analysis of up to 4 organic vapors per monitor

X546-4: $334

Analysis of up to 4 organic vapors per monitor

W546-1: $58

Analysis of 1 organic vapor per monitor

X546-1: $224

Analysis of 1 organic vapor per monitor

586: Ozone GFF w/ NO2; IC analysis W586: $72 X586: $288
596: Phenol Charcoal; HPLC analysis W596: $89 X596: $331
Refrigerated storage items require overnight or 2nd day shipping. Avoid weekend shipments.

Badges without Analysis and Media for Lab QC

Prices in this table do NOT include analysis. Download our price list for these items.

Product (A – Z) Box of 10   Monitors (N) Media (M; Price/Units per pack)
543: Acetic Acid N543: $171 N/A
592: Acrolein
N592: $276 N/A
571: Aldehydes

For Formaldehyde and other Aldehydes.

N571: $184 M571: $22/pkg of 6
581: Aldehyde TraceAir® II 

Fast sampling rate for Glutaraldehyde, o-Phthalaldehyde, etc.

N581: $242 M581: $30/pkg of 6
584: Ammonia N584: $189 M584: $22/pkg of 6
555: Ethylene Oxide  N555: $285 M555 : $101/vial of 30
593: Mercury Vapor N593: $285 M593: $43/pkg of 6
545: Methanol
N545: $179 M545: $36/pkg of 10
594: Nitrogen Dioxide
N594: $281 N/A
575: Nitrous Oxide
N575: $180 N/A
585: Organic Amines N585: $242 M585: $22/pkg of 6
525: Organic Vapors

Fast sampling rate (TraceAir® II) for low PEL, STEL, and IAQ monitoring.

N525: $179 M525: $25/pkg of 10
566: Organic Vapors

Our most popular and versatile OV badge.

N566: $149 M566: $61/vial of 30

(For 566 and 546)

546: Organic Vapors

High capacity organic vapor badge for high PEL monitoring.

N546: $149
586: Ozone N586: $242 M586: $22/pkg of 6
C3101: Particle Screens for Chemdisk Badges

Typically used in dusty environments with either 571, 566, or 593 badges.

C3101: $20/pkg of 10
Refrigerated storage items require overnight or 2nd day shipping. Avoid weekend shipments.

Active Sampling Media, Wipes, and Pump Rental

Email or call (800) 833-1258 option 4 for information/ordering*. Download our price list for these items.

Item Number Sampling Media Item Description Used for Sampling Price/ea.
JS37MCE208 Cassette 2-pc 37mm Styrene 0.8um MCE Filter Metals N/C
JS37MCE308 Cassette 3-pc 37mm Styrene 0.8um MCE Filter Metals (respirable) N/C
JS37MCE208MW Cassette 2-pc 37mm Styrene 0.8um MCE Filter 50ug Match Wt Metals (gravimetric) $8
JS37MCE308MW Cassette 3-pc 37mm Styrene 0.8um MCE Filter 50ug Match Wt Metals (grav + resp) $8
JS37PVC250 Cassette 2-pc 37mm Styrene 5.0um PVC Filter Cr (VI) N/C
JS37PVC350 Cassette 3-pc 37mm Styrene 5.0um PVC Filter Cr (VI) Respirable N/C
JS37PVCPW250 Cassette 2-pc 37mm Styrene 5.0um PVC Filter PreWt 5dcml Dust (Total) $11
JS37PVCPW350 Cassette 3-pc 37mm Styrene 5.0um PVC Filter PreWt 5dcml Dust (Respirable) $11
JS37GFF203 Cassette 2-pc 37mm Styrene 1.0um GF Filter Triethanolamine $4
JS37PP210 Cassette 2-pc 37mm Styrene 1.0um PTFE Filter PP Support Alkaline Dust, Drugs $9
J5-385-PW Parallel Particle Impactor, disposable, with pre-weighed PVC filter. Must be special ordered. (Learn more) Crystalline Silica, Respirable $37
J5-9001 Cassette 3-pc 37mm MCE Filter, Sodium Carbonate Fluoride $15
J5-9002 Cassette 3-pc 37mm GFF/Cellulose, 1-(2-pyridyl) piperazine Isocyanates $13
J5-9003 Cassette 4-pc 37mm GF Filter, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine Aldehydes $13
J5-9004 Cassette 3-pc 37mm GF Filter, Sulfuric Acid Amines $13
J5-9006 Cassette 3-pc 25mm PTFE Filter/Porous Plastic/Ag Membrane Chlorine & Bromine $58
J6-001 Sorbent Tube Charcoal Coconut, 100/50 mg, 6x70mm Organics N/C
J6-009 Sorbent Tube Charcoal Coconut, 400/200 mg, 8x110mm Very Volatile Organics $4
J6-010 Sorbent Tube Silica Gel, 150/75 mg, 6x70mm Amines, Alcohols N/C
J6-010-03 Sorbent Tube Silica Gel, washed, 400/200 mg, 7x110mm Acids $4
J6-010-06 Sorbent Tube Silica Gel/H2SO4, 200/100 mg, 6x70mm Ammonia (Bases) $7
J6-017-1A Sorbent Tube Anasorb C300 (Proprietary), 200mg, 6x70mm Mercury $5
J6-030-04 Sorbent Tube XAD-2, 100/50 mg, 8x110mm Organics $5
J6-057 Sorbent Tube OVS, XAD-7/GFF, 100/200 mg, 13-8x75mm Ethylene Glycol, Acrylamide $25
J6-080 Sorbent Tube Anasorb 747/KOH, 100/50 mg, 6x70mm Iodine, SO2 $5
J6-095 Sorbent Tube XAD-7, 100/50 mg, 6x110mm Phenols $5
J6-117 Sorbent Tube XAD-2/2-HMP, 150/75 mg, 6x110mm Acrolein $12
J6-119 Sorbent Tube Silica Gel/DNPH, 300/150 mg 6x110mm Aldehydes $8
J8106K Kit JS37GFF203 + Vial for filter Coal Tar Volatiles (CTV) $5
J8109K Kit J5-025 + J8054 (Ghost Wipe + Vial) Metals

Only: Lead, Beryllium, Arsenic, Cadmium, and/or Chromium

J8114K Kit J5-024 + J8054 (Smear Tab with Vial). Tabs are dry. Moisten with DI water before use. DI water (J8055) available with shipment. Metals, Metals Panel N/C
* An additional unexposed sample must be included with each sample group to be analyzed as a BLANK. Normal media and analysis costs apply.

Refrigerated storage items require overnight or 2nd day shipping. Avoid weekend shipments.

Item No. Pump Rental Services for Active Sampling   Per Week
R709 Pump with pre-set flow rate as suggested for method $87
R709-CAL Pump calibration cancellation fee (if rental cancelled within 48 hours prior to scheduled shipment) $25
R792 Aluminum cyclone for respirable dust sampling $18

IH Lab Services

Download this price list.

Item No. Description of Laboratory Test Sampling medium Price/each
A701-1 IH Analysis, ISE, Spectroscopy, Miscellaneous Tube/Filter $57
A701-X IH Analysis, Extra Analyte Filter $28
A703-1 Mercury, by CVAA Filter $51
A704-1 Metal, by ICP Filter $35
A704-X Extra Metal, by ICP Filter $16
A704-P Metals Panel by ICP Filter or Wipe $203
A705-1 Organic Vapor by GC/FID Badge or Tube $57
A705-X Extra Organic Vapor by GC/FID Badge or Tube $20
A705-M Organic Vapor by GC/FID, Complex Mixture Badge or Tube $92
A705-MX Organic Vapor by GC/FID, Complex Mixture, extra Badge or Tube $35
A705-P Organic Vapors by GC, Reports 25 Organic Solvents Badge or Tube $142
A706-1 Organic Vapor by GC/Other Detector Badge or Tube $85
A706-X Extra Organic by GC/Other Detector Badge or Tube $32
A707-1 Organic Vapor by HPLC Badge/Tube/Filter $86
A707-X Extra Organic Vapor by HPLC Badge or Tube $34
A707-P Amine or Aldehyde Panel by HPLC Badge/Tube/Filter $255
A708-1 In/Organic by Ion Chromatography/Colorimetry Tube/Filter $57
A708-X Extra In/Organic by Ion Chromatography/Colorimetry Tube/Filter $30
A708-6011 Chlorine or Bromine by IC, NIOSH 6011 Silver membrane $82
A710-1 IH Analysis, Gravimetric Filter $22
A711-49 Lab Analysis pH Wipe $25
A715-1 Organic Vapor by GC/FID, Special Badge or Tube $86
A716-1 Lab Analysis Anesthetic Gases by GC/FID (First 3-Gases) Badge $85
A716-X Lab Analysis Anesthetic Gases by GC/FID Extra Test Badge $34
A717-1 Organic Vapor by HPLC, Special Badge/Tube/Filter $102
A717-X Organic Vapor by HPLC, Special Extra test Badge/Tube/Filter $34
A718-1 In/Organic by Ion Chromatography, Special Tube/Filter $80
A719-1 Lab Analysis Nitrous oxide by GC w/ other detector Badge $85
A720-1 Lab analysis Ethylene oxide by GC w/ other detector Badge or Tube $85
A8100 Lab Service, Subcontracted to an External Laboratory Variable as Quoted
A8300 Subcontracting Fee to an External Lab (per batch) $41
A8006 IH Analysis, Non-Standard Analyte Variable as Quoted
A8007 IH Analysis, New Analytical Method Variable as Quoted
A8008 Set-Up Charge, New Analytical Method One-Time Project Surcharge as Quoted
A8003-SME Same Day Rush Service (IH samples) 200% surcharge on list analysis price
A8003-RSH Next Business Day Rush Service (IH samples) 100% surcharge on list analysis price
A8003-2-DAY 2 Business Days Rush Service (IH samples) 75% surcharge on list analysis price
A8003-EXP 3 Business Days Rush Service (IH samples) 50% surcharge on list analysis price
A8003-4-DAY 4 Business Days Rush Service (IH samples) 35% surcharge on list analysis price

IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT RUSH WORK THAT HAS TO BE SUBCONTRACTED: The customer will be charged the rush surcharge that the subcontracted lab charges. For example, if a customer requests results in 2 business days, then the samples first have to be shipped overnight to the subcontracted lab, which then must complete the work in 1 day. Therefore, the subcontracted lab will apply a 1-business-day surcharge for this 2-business-day request.

Unless otherwise agreed upon, all work is due by the end of the business day, including rushes.

Please note that there is a minimum invoice requirement of $50 for lab services. Invoices under that total will be rounded up to the $50 minimum, while invoices $50 or over will be charged at true cost.

Prices were updated January 6, 2025

Effective Immediately