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Technical Presentations from AIHA Connect 2024

As the global leader in personal monitoring badge technology, Assay Technology often gives technical presentations at the American Industrial Hygiene Association’s annual conference. For AIHA Connect 2024, our Chief Technical Officer, Gus Manning, and our Technical Director, Maria Peralta, each spoke about common industry misconceptions.


Gus and Maria walking

In Gus’ talk, he went in-depth regarding sampling accuracy and the truth about variation in the workplace. Maria highlighted a number of misconceptions around badges and how best to utilize them.

Click the links below to view the complete presentations given in Columbus on May 22, 2024.

Accuracy of Personal Monitoring Badges…. Does It Matter? by Gus Manning, PhD, CIH, FAIHA

Common Issues and Misconceptions around Personal Air Monitoring Badges and How Better to Use Them by Maria Peralta, PhD

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