Waste Anesthetic Gases (WAGs) are commonly found in medical, dental, and veterinary workplaces. To protect the health of their workers, employers should perform regular monitoring to determine occupational exposure levels. Our diffusive 574 Anesthetic Gases Monitor is the simplest and most efficient way to meet your safety goals for isoflurane (Forane®), sevoflurane (Ultane®), desflurane (Suprane®), and halothane (Fluothane®). This easy-to-use badge contains collection media consisting of 150 mg of activated carbon in a PTFE binder. 

Note: starting November 2024, analysis of this product was moved from our lab in Livermore, CA to our lab in Boardman, OH.

Use our Quick Order Form for the entire list of products online.

Item Description List Price

Box of 5

w/ Analysis

X574AT Up to 3 chemicals $250.00Get 10% Off


w/ Analysis

W574K Up to 3 chemicals $64.00


The anesthetic gases are much more stable when toluene is used as the desorption solvent rather than carbon disulfide, as is used in OSHA 103.

This badge is the same type as the 566 badge, with the only differences being in the labeling and analysis. Laboratories or customers using their own lab should order item N566AT.

This badge collects the following:

Desflurane (Suprane®)
Halothane (Fluothane®)
Isoflurane (Forane®)
Sevoflurane (Ultane®)

More Information on the Sampling Guide.

Special Notes

Choose up to 3 chemicals per badge.  Analysis of up to 3 chemicals is included in the pre-paid badge price.

Tech Doc


Before sampling, ship and store at room temperature.

After sampling, store and ship at room temperature.  Return the samples to the lab for analysis within 14 days of sampling.

Use For

Sample during the time that the gas is in use.

Functional range: 30 minutes – 8 hours.  Minimum recommended sampling time is 30 minutes.

Regulatory Limits for Anesthetic Gases

Frequently, we are asked why there are no regulatory limits on our reports for two of the three most popular anesthetic gases, sevoflurane and desflurane, as well as why there is only a California OSHA limit for isoflurane.

Years ago, we used to quote the NIOSH recommendation of 2 ppm for all anesthetics.  In 2000, OSHA published a document about this issue: Anesthetic Gases: Guidelines for Workplace Exposures.  Unfortunately, the document specifically says:

  • “At present, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has no permissible exposure limits regulating these agents.”


  • “No NIOSH REL’s exist for the three most currently used anesthetics (isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane).”

As far as we know, there has been no further word from OSHA, so we no longer refer to the NIOSH recommendation on our reports.  However, until OSHA offers some leadership about this issue, we believe it wise to continue to use the 2 ppm recommendation.