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Small Change to Our Report Format

Beginning February 1, 2019, instead of using the acronym “ND” for None Detected at or above the reporting limit, we are going to use the ‘less than’ symbol.  Here’s what we mean.  (Follow the red text):

Old Format

Quantity Found Sample Concentration
Found RptLmt Units Vol (L) Time (min) Found RptLmt Units
ND 0.25 UG 5.45 489 ND 0.046 MG/M3
21 0.25 UG 3.99 195 5.3 0.023 MG/M3



NEW Format

Quantity Found Sample Concentration
Found RptLmt Units Vol (L) Time (min) Found Units
< 0.25 UG 5.45 489 < 0.046 MG/M3
21 0.25 UG 3.99 195 5.3 MG/M3


Why make the change?

Customers have called us believing the RptLmt column in the Concentration section of the report is the regulatory limit.  By only showing the reporting limit when the result is non-detectable,  fewer customers will be alarmed when the result is detectable.

Here’s an example of how the reports will look.

If you strongly prefer the old format, let us know by completing this form and we will mark your account to keep the old format.