The 525 Organic Vapor Monitor is our fastest sampling rate badge, which means it is our most sensitive badge with the lowest reporting limits. Use this badge for monitoring chemicals with a low PEL (10 ppm or less), STEL monitoring, or for indoor air quality situations.

The 525 TraceAir II badge replaced our 521 badge.  The design was updated from TraceAir to TraceAir IIClick here to learn more about this change.

Use our Quick Order Form for the entire list of products online.

Item Description List Price

Box of 5

w/ Analysis

X525-1AT 1 chemical $239.00Get 10% Off
X525-4AT 4 chemicals $367.00Get 10% Off
X525-25AT 25 Organic Solvent Panel $517.00Get 10% Off


w/ Analysis

W525-1K 1 chemical $64.00
W525-4K 4 chemicals $110.00
W525-25K 25 Organic Solvent Panel $153.00

No Analysis

M525AT Sampling media (10 strips per pack) $25.00
N525AT 10 monitors without analysis. $179.00Get 10% Off


Organic Vapor Monitor TraceAir® II Fast Sampling Rate for low PEL, STEL, and IAQ monitoring.

Note: There are a few chemicals that have PELs at 10 or below but are too volatile to be reliably collected at PEL levels by this fast sampling diffusive monitor: methanol, methyl acrylate, and vinyl chloride.  Use one of our other organic vapor badges, the 566 or 546.

Organic Solvent Panel – This panel includes the most commonly requested chemicals on an organic vapor monitor.  The set list allows us to provide results for many chemicals at a low cost.  Most frequently used for indoor air monitoring when a customer does not know exactly what is in the environment. See the “Organic Solvent Panel” tab for the complete list.

This badge collects the following:

  • Benzene
  • Butyl Acrylate
  • Chloroform
  • Ethyl Acrylate
  • Ethyl Benzene
  • Naphthalene
  • Organic Solvent Panel
  • n-Propyl Bromide
  • Toluene
  • Total Hydrocarbons (as n-Hexane)
  • Xylenes
  • … and More

More Information on the Sampling Guide.

Tech Doc


Store at room temperature before and after use.  (Refrigerated storage is always OK.)

It is recommended that the badge be returned to the lab within 14 days of use.


Use For

Use this monitor for chemicals with a low PEL (10 ppm or less), STEL monitoring, or for indoor air quality situations where the exposure levels are expected to be low.

If a chemical is not listed under the 525 badge on our sampling guide, contact our customer service team.

Organic Solvent Panel

AKA Organic Vapor Panel, OVP, OSP

Who uses this panel?

People who have an indoor air quality issue, but don’t know exactly what chemical(s) might be in the air. This panel checks for many common organic vapors at one time without the high cost of GC/MS scans. Customers frequently couple this badge with the 571 aldehyde badge for formaldehyde.

Note: In order to include the alcohols, ketones, and some other chemicals, a cosolvent is used during analysis that masks part of the hydrocarbon range.  As a result, total hydrocarbons cannot be requested on the same badge as the Organic Solvent Panel.  Please use a separate X525-1AT if sampling for total hydrocarbons.

Here is a list of the chemicals and their 8 hour reporting limits:

CAS # Chemical  8 hr RL, ppm
71-55-6 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE              0.020
71-36-3 1-BUTANOL               0.010
4994-16-5 4-PHENYL CYCLOHEXENE               0.019
67-64-1 ACETONE               0.018
71-43-2 BENZENE            0.0036
67-66-3 CHLOROFORM               0.018
108-94-1 CYCLOHEXANONE              0.005
141-78-6 ETHYL ACETATE               0.017
64-17-5 ETHYL ALCOHOL                 0.14
100-41-4 ETHYLBENZENE           0.0040
142-82-5 HEPTANE            0.0047
110-54-3 HEXANE            0.0061
67-63-0 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL               0.013
78-93-3 METHYL ETHYL KETONE            0.0074
108-10-1 METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE            0.0057
80-62-6 METHYL METHACRYLATE            0.0085
75-09-2 METHYLENE CHLORIDE              0.026
91-20-3 NAPHTHALENE              0.046
123-86-4 N-BUTYL ACETATE            0.0074
127-18-4 PERCHLOROETHYLENE               0.010
100-42-5 STYRENE            0.0044
109-99-9 TETRAHYDROFURAN            0.0076
108-88-3 TOLUENE               0.017
79-01-6 TRICHLOROETHYLENE               0.011
1330-20-7 XYLENES            0.0083

Special Notes

Multiple Chemicals on One Badge

AT Labs goes to great lengths to allow customers to request many chemicals on the same sampling media.  However, not all chemicals collected on a 525/566/546 badge can be analyzed together.  On the Sampling Guide, there is a “test group” column.  All chemicals that can be analyzed together have the same test group.  There are some exceptions to the rule, so be sure to read the notes on the Sampling Guide.  The lab request forms we provide that are product specific are designed to aid customers in selecting chemicals that are compatible.  Feel free to contact our customer service department and we will be glad to assist you.