Exactly how much difference does a cosolvent make and what is a cosolvent anyway?
Introducing the New Methanol Badge
Our new 545 methanol badge allows for easy and cost-effective determination of personal exposure to methanol! The 545 is sensitive enough for 15-minute STEL sampling, while also providing plenty of capacity for 8-hour TWA sampling. Its bead shaped activated carbon media (G-BAC) and strong organic solvent extraction solve the poor desorption recovery and reverse diffusion Read More …
Congratulations to Dr. Charles R. Manning!
Coronavirus Impact
A Little Change Is Good
We are excited to announce a pair of packaging improvements coming soon to our boxes and return envelopes!
571/581 Aldehyde Badges: No Refrigeration Needed!
You read that right: our 571 and 581 aldehyde badges no longer require refrigerated storage!
Searching Our Website
By now most everyone knows how to use a search engine… or do we?